National Medical Supplies

National medical supplies is Leading suppliers and manufacturers of quality, innovation, Premium Devices and Equipment across the African Continent. Quality is the pulse of our company that makes us exceptional in everything we do. Firmly rooting our commitment to our customers and those we serve.

High level customer satisfaction and continual improvement of our products profile is our guarantee. National Medical Supplies is committed to providing the best quality products and services that are safe, effective, patient centred, timely and equitable. National medical supplies comply with ISO13485 and is a SAHPRA Licensed facility.

The aim of our Quality system is to ensure that we supply our customers with products and services to the best of our ability, using accredited processes and assuring ‘fit for purpose’ quality products. We achieve this by maintaining good warehouse practices, that are audited and verified by independent agencies.

In addition to this, all our stuff is trained, understand and endorse these policies, our commitment and our requirements.

National Medical supplies ensure supplier and customer confidentiality by restricting unauthorised access to our premises, documentation, products, supplier and customer records.

Quality policy and our overall Quality Management systems are reviewed regularly by our Quality Management review committee to ensure compliance with ISO13485.


(Page updated 2024)

